[Dbworld] Final CFP: IIKE 2019 - The 1st Int. WS. on Intelligence & Interaction in Knowledge Engineering
Christophe Debruyne
2018-11-26 09:00:20 UTC
IIKE 2019 - The 1st International Workshop on Intelligence & Interaction in Knowledge Engineering
Jan 30 - Feb 1, 2019 - Newport Beach, CA, USA

In conjunction with the 13th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2019)

Website: http://www.iike.science/

Submissions deadline: Nov 30, 2018 – 23:59 Hawaii Time

Recent efforts in AI driven knowledge engineering and machine learning have largely focused on improving the accuracy and efficiency, and many automated techniques are perceived as a black box to the human with little justification or means to intervene in various modelling and training processes. This lack of ability to explain to the human why a certain output was generated has potentially limited the effectiveness and reliability of knowledge-based systems. This is echoed by DARPA’s recent initiative on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) as well as the growing area of Interactive Machine Learning (IML), which call for a new generation of intelligent systems that are human-centered with explainable models and interactive interfaces enabling the human to understand, engage with, and influence the underlying algorithms. As such, appropriate integrations of user interaction techniques lie at the center of knowledge-based systems, where interactive data representation!
, data flows, and analytical techniques may provide a necessary meaningful platform for humans to better understand, explore, correct and modify intelligent models. The 1st International Workshop on Intelligence & Interaction in Knowledge Engineering (IIKE) aims to bring researchers interested in interactive and explainable intelligent models, theories, and techniques. IIKE’s goal is to facilitate and accelerate research in all aspects of knowledge engineering for intelligent systems by exchanging ideas, approaches, results, and cross-disciplinary collaboration.


- Themes of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Interaction in knowledge discovery, representation, acquisition, and integration
- Human-centered knowledge systems
- Evaluation strategies, models, and approaches
- Explanation of learning reasoning strategies
- Interactive debugging techniques
- Transparency and feedback in AI
- Trust assessment in intelligent systems
- Evaluation strategies, models, and approaches
- Approaches and Application domains (including but not limited to): cognitive modelling , deep learning, NLP, Computational neuroscience, Knowledge-driven AI Governance, ...

- Submission deadline: Nov 26, 2018 – 23:59 Hawaii Time
- Notification of acceptance: Dec 10, 2018 – 23:59 Hawaii Time
- Camera-ready version due: Dec 17, 2018 - 23:59 Hawaii Time

We solicit submissions of regular, concise, industry, and demo/poster papers from diverse backgrounds, with the aim of promoting the exchange of ideas between researchers working in the above-mentioned areas. All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression. All papers will be refereed by at least three members of the program committee. All submissions must be in English. All submitted papers must occupy no more than 6 pages for long papers, 4 pages for concise and industry papers, or 2 pages for demo/poster papers including the abstract, appendices, and references. Submissions must be laid out according to the final camera-ready formatting instructions and must be submitted in PDF format.

For full details on the submission format and procedure, please refer to the Submission Instructions on http://www.iike.science/

Accepted papers will be included in the workshops section of the AIKE proceedings.

Failure to comply with the formatting instructions for submitted papers will lead to the outright rejection of the paper without review.
Failure to commit to registration and presentation at the conference automatically excludes a paper from the proceedings.

Bo Fu, California State University Long Beach, US
Ben Steichen, California State Polytechnic University, US
Wenlu Zhang, California State University Long Beach, US
Tania Tudorache, Stanford University, US
Christophe Debruyne, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Publication Chair
Jayden Khakurel, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Program Committee: http://www.iike.science/
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