[Dbworld] [CFP] GDMA 2019 @DASFAA 2019
Xiaowang Zhang
2018-11-23 05:31:34 UTC
[Call for Papers]

The 3rd International Workshop on Graph Data Management and Analysis (GDMA 2019)
22 April - 25 April, 2019 - Chiang Mai, Thailand


In conjunction with the 24rd International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2019)


Recently, there has been a lot of interest in the application of graphs in different domains. They have been widely used for data modeling of different application domains such as multimedia databases, protein networks, social networks and semantic web. With the continued emergence and increase of massive and complex structural graph data, a graph database that efficiently supports elementary data management mechanisms is crucially required to effectively understand and utilize any collection of graphs.
The overall goal of the workshop is to bring people from different fields together, exchange research ideas and results, and encourage discussion about how to provide efficient graph data management techniques in different application domains and to understand the research challenges of such area. The first international workshop on graph data management and analysis (GDMA 2017) was held in Beijing, China in conjunction with APWeb-WAIM 2017 and GDMA 2018 was held in Brisbane, Australia in conjunction with DASFAA 2018, respectively. The theme of GDMA 2019 is ¡°Answering and analyzing over Large Graph¡±. Having the workshop collocated with DASFAA as a leading database conference will definitely help to achieve the main goals of the workshop.

Topics related to graph data management and query processing are of interest. These include, but not limited to:
* Big Graph Processing Systems: developing distributed/external-memory/single-machine graph management systems for processing large graphs.
* Graph Data Management: developing graph management techniques to efficiently analyze large graph from different aspects, e.g., semantics web data, geometrical data, social network, business process management, etc.
* Graph Mining Applications: applying graph mining and graph matching techniques to discover useful knowledge from large graphs (e.g., social network, RDF data, knowledge graph)

Important Dates
* Submission deadline: Dec 28, 2018 (11:59pm PST)
* Notification date: Jan 28, 2019
* Final version submission date : Feb 8, 2019 (11:59pm PST)

Submission Guidelines

All papers must be submitted through EasyChair system, via the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gdma2019
The conference proceedings, including all accepted papers, will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, and indexed by both EI and DBLP. Authors should avoid the use of non-English fonts to avoid problems with printing and viewing the submissions. All accepted papers MUST follow strictly the instructions for LNCS Authors. Springer LNCS site offers style files and information: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0.
Submissions must be original (not previously published and not under review in other forums). This applies to papers on all tracks of the conference. Authors are advised to interpret these limitations strictly and to contact the PC chairs in case of doubt. Each accepted paper must be accompanied by at least one full registration, and an author is expected to present the paper at the conference, otherwise, the paper will be removed from the proceedings and the LNCS digital library.
The review process is single-blinded. There is no need for authors to mask their names and affiliations in the manuscript. The maximal length of the paper is 16 pages.

Xiaowang Zhang: ***@tju.edu.cn
Peng Peng: ***@hnu.edu.cn
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