[Dbworld] ICDE'19 International Workshop on Recommender Systems with Big Data - Call for Paper
Rocky Chen Mr.
2018-12-06 13:10:23 UTC

This workshop will focus on technologies and solutions related, but not limited to:

Large-scale parallelization and distributed processing techniques to speed up the offline training of complex recommender models;
Scalable hash and indexing techniques to speed up the online recommendation and reduce the storage cost;
Machine learning techniques that effectively extract and fuse heterogeneous and multi- modal content features to improve recommendations;
Context-aware recommendation systems incorporating various contextual information such as location-based recommendation and social recommendation;
Incremental recommendation solutions and online learning models to deal with continuous updates, especially real-time streaming data for recommendations;
Active learning techniques to acquire high-quality and informative user feedback data;
Robust recommender models that are resistant to spam reviews and ratings;
Spam detection techniques to discover the malicious attackers and spam reviews or ratings;
Data cleaning techniques to improve the quality of user generated behaviour and content data.
Notes for Research Papers

All submissions must be prepared in the IEEE format. Manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with the given submission guidelines. Research papers must not exceed 8 pages, including the bibliography and any appendix. Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered.

Please note: Your submission must be made within the due date. Please upload your submission to the RSBD 2019 Research Track through the submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rsbd2019

A paper submitted to RSBD 2019 cannot be under review for any other conference or journal during the entire time it is considered for RSBD 2019, and it must be substantially different from any previously published work. Submissions are reviewed in a single-blind manner.

All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings. The best papers will be selected with a certified award. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the workshop (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if none of the authors attends the workshop to present their paper.

Conflicts of Interest

During submission of a research paper, the submission site will request information about conflicts of interest of the paper’s authors with program committee (PC) members. It is the full responsibility of all authors of a paper to identify all and only their potential conflict-of-interest PC members.

A paper author has a conflict of interest with a PC member when and only when one or more of the following conditions holds:

The PC member is a co-author of the paper;
The PC member has been a co-worker in the same company or university within the past two years;
The PC member has been a collaborator within the past two years;
The PC member is or was the author’s primary thesis advisor, no matter how long ago;
The author is or was the PC member’s primary thesis advisor, no matter how long ago;
The PC member is a relative or close personal friend of the author.
Papers with incorrect or incomplete conflict of interest information as of the submission closing time are subject to immediate rejection.

Workshop Format

The format of the workshop includes presentations of accepted papers, keynote talk, as well as an interactive panel session. We plan for a 1-day workshop with four paper presentation sessions (3-4 papers each). The information is listed below:

Duration: 1 day
Schedule: TBA

A keynote by an academic or industrial speaker will open the workshop;
Presentation of the accepted and invited papers organized by sessions will follow (20-30 minutes for each presentation);
Discussion at the end of each session;
A keynote by an academic or industrial speaker may open the afternoon session;
A panel with researchers and practitioners from academia and industry will close the workshop.
More details on the workshop program will be announced in the recent future.
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