[Dbworld] Faculty positions at Aarhus University, Denmark
Ira Assent
2018-11-28 12:47:02 UTC
Call for Assistant Professors (tenure-track) or Associate Professors in Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science (www.cs.au.dk) at Aarhus University is looking for excellent and visionary tenure track Assistant Professors or Associate Professors to push the frontiers of Computer Science research. Aarhus University - an international top-100 University - has made an ambitious strategic investment in a 5-year recruitment plan to radically expand the Department of Computer Science. Therefore, the University is seeking researchers driven by excellence in research and visions for the future digitalization agenda, to join the department and collaborate with our world-class researchers. The positions are open from 1 June 2019.

A number of positions as tenure-track assistant professor or associate professor are available at the Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University (www.cs.au.dk).

The department has research groups within "Algorithms and Data Structures" Data-Intensive Systems", "Cryptography and Security", "Mathematical Computer Science", "Logic and Semantics", "Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction", "Computer-Mediated Activity", "Use, Design and Innovation", and "Programming Languages”. We encourage applicants to strengthen the above groups, and moreover, we wish to build competencies within Machine Learning, Systems Security, Computer Graphics, and Computer Vision. In general, applicants within all areas of computer science are welcome.

Applicants for tenure-track positions are expected to have a PhD and research experience corresponding to a couple of years as postdoc or similar. Applicants must document a promising record of original research and an aptitude for teaching.

Applicants for associate professor positions are expected to have research experience from several years as assistant professor or similar. Applicants must document a strong record of original research and have teaching experience at undergraduate/graduate level.

All applicants are requested to include a link to their Google Scholar profile in their application.

Recommendation letters can be uploaded together with your other application material no later than January 6th 2019 or referees can send the letters directly to the Science and Technology Human Resource Department at ***@au.dk. The subject of the e-mail should include the phrase "Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or Associate Professor in Computer Science 1009431, name of applicant”.

The Department of Computer Science is located in a recently built new campus called IT-City Katrinebjerg, where many institutions and companies working with information technology are located.

The Department has a staff of approximately 120 people including 28 full and associate professors, 4 assistant professors, 20 postdocs and 45 PhD students. The number of students is approximately 800. The department is expected to expand significantly over the next 4-5 years, as part of Aarhus University's strategic effort to increase the number of students graduating in computer science and IT, see:

Applicants for associate professor positions are expected to fulfil the criteria listed for associate professors in:

Place of Employment and Place of Work
The place of employment is Aarhus University, and the place of work is Åbogade 34, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark.

Further information on the position can be obtained from Head of Department, Professor Kaj Grønbæk ***@cs.au.dk.

Please find the full call and instructions on how to apply at http://cs.au.dk/about-us/vacancies/scientific-positions/stillinger/Vacancy/show/1009431/5283/
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